Bitter Sweet
As she stepped down from the National Express coach Liz’s feelings of apprehension reached a new peak. One more journey by local bus and she would be at her destination after a trip of three hundred miles from her home in the north east. It was a fair distance to travel on nothing more than a whim, but the feeling had been growing stronger since her mum died almost a year ago. She had always assumed that her father was dead and her mother Joan had done and said nothing to persuade her otherwise. In the final weeks of her futile struggle against the cancer which was consuming her however, Liz’s mum had let slip one or two things which had stirred her daughter’s interest in their family history. Going through a box of old photographs one day, Liz came across one of her mother in her mid to late thirties at the seaside and in the arms of a man of around forty years of age. She turned it over and read out the writing ‘
“What’s this, mum?” she asked.
“Give it here, love” Joan replied, and smiled as she took in the faded image. It was one of those calm, wistful expressions which always comes with pleasant memories half forgotten.
“Oh, sorry love I was somewhere else for a moment just then.”
“Well, who is it?”
Joan coloured up, and for a terminally ill cancer sufferer the change in her complexion made her look almost well. She looked down again at the photograph and began humming a tune to herself. Liz recognised it as ‘Leaving on a Jet Plane’ – a favourite of her mother’s down the years, the source of which she had always refused to divulge but now that her time was coming she released the memory.
“It’s your dad. We met on holiday in
She went on after some encouragement to elaborate the story. They exchanged the usual addresses at the end of the two weeks, and Joan half expected that to be an end to it. She got a pleasant surprise shortly after returning home to North Shields when a letter arrived bearing a
Joan died a few weeks later leaving Liz as her only surviving family member and sole beneficiary in her will. Apart from the house, she had few possessions of any great value and her savings, though sufficient for her own needs, amounted to little more than modest sums. Liz moved into the two bedroom semi for a while, but the memories of her mother became too strong and after a quick sale she moved into a
Joan had told her that his name was Tom Parsons, he was forty when they met, and this would now make him sixty-four. She also knew from her mother that he had been employed as a draughtsman with a Bristol firm, so Liz decided to take some leave from work and make the trip down to the West Country to see what she could discover - in any case one of her college friends lived in the city and it would give her an excuse to get in touch again. That was a month ago, and as her bus pulled into
Enquiries at reception revealed that a Tom Parsons did, in fact, work for the firm as Project Director, but Liz’s excitement was tempered by the fact that he was tied up in meetings all morning and would not be free until
Frustrating as it was, there was nothing left but to return as planned to the architects offices in the morning and hope that he would have time to see her then. She spent a restless night tossing and turning as sleep evaded her, and she rose early the following day with her mind still buzzing in anticipation. Breakfast was a non-starter and after a quickly consumed coffee she set off again for Barton and Wallis. Arriving at
At around nine people began arriving and Liz looked anxiously amongst them for a man matching the description given to her by hotel staff the night before. She had begun to think she may have missed him once more when a silver haired man in a dark blue suit entered, signed in at reception, chatted pleasantly with the girl behind the desk and headed for the staircase. He was called back by the receptionist.
“Oh, Mr Parsons I’m sorry I nearly forgot, there’s a lady to see you over in the corner.”
He turned to face Liz, smiled politely and offered his hand in greeting. She took it nervously and introduced herself. They made their way up to his office on the first floor where he asked for tea and coffee to be served as he waved his arm in the direction of two armchairs over by the window.
“Now then Miss Williams, what it is that I can do for you? It seems that we were destined not to meet yesterday.”
“I hardly know where to begin, it’s a rather personal matter really. My mother died some months ago and amongst her possessions was a number of photographs – this is one of them.”
She passed over to him the snap taken in
“We had two printed you see, and kept one each. The hand writing is mine, and the woman in the picture is Joan Taylor. You say she was your mother, so your name is Williams because………………”
“Because the man mum married walked out leaving her to bring me up alone. I wasn’t two at the time and never knew him. I had no idea until just before she died that you even existed. Mum told me that you are my father.”
Tom Parsons sat back in his chair and sipped at his coffee absently whilst he thought. Joan had written to him after he left her but he had never replied to any of her letters. Looking back it was probably not the kindest thing to do, but how was he to know that she was pregnant when there had been no mention of it? Had he been aware of the facts things might have turned out differently. Too late now, except for the fact that before him sat an attractive young woman who claimed to be his daughter. He and Joan certainly had a passionate relationship and no-one thought too seriously about contraception in those days – you were just unlucky if you got caught. There had been a number of women in his life down the years, but he had never married and the thought of having children had never crossed his mind. He looked across at Liz and could see the resemblance to Joan in the 1975 photograph – his heart started to melt. Pulling himself together he spoke again.
“Well Miss Williams, I really don’t know what to say. This has all come as a surprise to me as you will appreciate and whilst I am sure that you believe the story your mother told you, I think proof of our relationship is required before we go any further. I can schedule blood tests with my doctor at short notice if you wish. DNA profiles are the best way of resolving such matters”
Liz had no option but to agree. If nothing else it would ease the increasingly fond feelings which she was experiencing for this man. The appointment was made for early in the evening at a private surgery across the city and the day seemed to drag interminably until they met up again at
That day was surprisingly quick in coming, and when she got a telephone call from Tom Parsons it caught her slightly off guard. She was to meet him at his offices and they would travel to the private surgery together. Arriving just after
“Tom, we’ve now got the full results from your earlier tests and there’s no easy way of telling you, but the outlook is not promising.”
Parsons was stunned. In one instance his world had been built up and then instantly demolished. Grant explained that the condition was fairly well advanced and would inevitably lead to a rapid deterioration of his health – he was going to die. How was he now going to explain all this to Liz?
One year later a young woman is pushing a wheelchair occupied by an ancient man in his mid sixties along the seafront of a small
“He’s coming home to you mum, he’s coming home.”
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