Phil's Workplace

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Location: Heanor, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

I am 56, married for 32 years, have two children and NO mortgage. Check out short stories on

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

A Ticket to Tewkesbury

Ok, so this is the news I was waiting for. The first volume of short stories was good enough on its own, but now I have a REAL book and it's out there in the market place.

Available at Amazon, WH Smith, Waterstones and Blackwell it's been out for around six weeks and is doing pretty well so far.

Reviews have been in local papers in Derbyshire, on BBC Radio Derby, on, and now just today will be reviewed and promoted on BBC Gloucestershire.

Copies have gone as far afield as France, The Gambia and The USA and further spreading of the news will reach Australia over Christmas.

Price? A reasonable £7.99

Stay tuned.
