Phil's Workplace

My Photo
Location: Heanor, Derbyshire, United Kingdom

I am 56, married for 32 years, have two children and NO mortgage. Check out short stories on

Monday, 23 February 2009

A Tangled Web

That's it, finished!

64,000 words and I thought for a while that it was dead in the water at 25,000.

Check out the first batch on the following link if you're interested:

Now I can move on to a collaboration project with a friend on the above site.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009


"Ticket to Tewkesbury" hits the High Street

Yes, it's true. Waterstones are stocking the book in their high street branches as well as in their on-line store.

It's every new writer's dream, and I appear to be living it.

Stay tuned!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

New Manuscript

Well, it's been a week and the new manuscript is just about ready for sending to the publisher. Just have the jacket to design now and that's pretty close to where I want it to be.

40 short stories (doing it properly this time) and a bit of something for everybody. You can check out more of mine on storiesville (see link) where there's also some great collections by other writers from all over the world.

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Book Signing

Well, the book signing for "A Ticket to Tewkesbury" has been finalised for Lichfield Library at 11.00am on saturday 7th March.

Must say, I didn't expect this kind of thing so soon after the launch, but that's how luck works. So, 100 customised bookmarks later and we're on our way - taking backup support to bolster flagging confidence.

Thanks to Sarah Wray for putting the thing on her own website.

More will follow after the event when the butterflies have returned from whence they came.